Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Cheeky Girl Continues to Celebrate!

It's a little early for fireworks but I feel I have them in my brain. Not drugs, it's just that every time the thought returns my brain produces a pink bloom on a black sky. Water, light, night. Who would have thought in January, as we clutched our vodka and cranberry in Sydney Harbour on Paul's boat, that this could happen?

'PELT AND OTHER STORIES' HAS BEEN ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION BY INDIGO DREAMS PUBLISHING. IDP are also putting out my women's commercial novel in April. I've already written about it on my other blog http://thedivorcedladyscompaniontoitaly.blogspot.com but now that the stories have a home I am going to crank up this blog with a bit more verve and information. This week I'm signing my contract. Next, I'm going to have to stop telling everybody I bump into, and wipe the crazy smile from my face.

This year most of my efforts have been towards preparation of 'The Divorced Lady's Companion to Living in Italy' for publication. I've had edits moving through my thoughts over the past months, cover designs in my head and promotion beginning to happen in the big wide world, and while I have managed to squeeze in a few new stories this year and entered my best pieces in competitions, I haven't had the time to plump up 'Pelt' in this blog.

Although I should have! Looking up my blog title ten minutes ago, I saw that the collection was a semi-finalist in this year's Hudson Prize by Black Lawrence Press. I had no idea! Probably better that way, as my hopes to reach the final may have agitated my uncharacteristically relaxed state in Corsica this summer. No matter that I didn't win (I'd already written that competition entry off), but it serves as greater validation for my publisher, whom I must inform.

I am beyond thrilled. Next year will see my novel hit the shelves and hopefully make a few readers laugh, meanwhile I will begin edits for my short stories and watch the book strengthen and mature. Not easy work, but how blissful to have reached this point.

Christmas Cheer to all and never abandon your dreams!

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PS I am featured on the Ether Books Advent Calendar www.etherbooks.com on 24th December with a link to my title story and interview. Do visit!